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Hello. My name is Mom. I am a wife / mom of 4 / blogger / organizer / deal seeker / list maker / planner and new homeschooler. Scroll down to the bottom and catch up as you follow us on our (2nd year) journey we call HOMESCHOOL!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

9. Inquiring Minds Want to Know

A handful of acquaintances have asked me about some of our projects related to our To Kill a Mockingbird unit study. One friend asked, "How do you divide that stuff up between three grade levels?"  Another asked, "How much does that cost?" My answers were simple; "We do it all together!" and, "Mostly FREE!"

"But it's High School literature!?"

Indeed it is. That's what's exciting! While Freckle Juice is a cute read for my fourth-sixth graders, I thought it would be a GREAT idea to take advantage of a book that was gifted to my family. To Kill a Mockingbird was not one that I was familiar with, but upon researching the contents and realizing the setting and history involved around that era, I could not pass up the opportunity to create a Unit Study of my own. And, because great minds think alike, my dear friends at Harper Academy and Peak Performance Academy have joined in on the fun.

A unit study is taking one topic, such as our book, TKaM, and integrating all of the subjects around that topic. For example; In the beginning chapters of TKaM, we learned that one of Scout's peers is so hungry that he puts molasses all over his food. By breaking down each paragraph and dialogue, we discovered that the poor child has been greatly effected by the "crash". So we then took that to the library and are now studying about the Stock Market Crash of 1929. That then lead up to Civil Rights, The Great Depression as well as the Dust Bowl

Because these subjects are interconnected, the kids have seen the purpose for learning these topics, therefore enjoy it. 


I will simply say a few words on this. PINTEREST, YOUTUBE, LIBRARY and THRIFT STORES.

Utilizing these resources has saved my family so much money. It takes creativity, too. And, the barter system is still a valuable form of exchanging both ideas as well as materials.The overseer of Harper Academy has generously shared materials through the use of the barter system. And, with a simple click of the "share" button, we have built a mighty fine Pinterest board for our TKaM unit. (snicker)

It's websites like these, and the aforementioned, that make my job as a homeschooling mother less stressful. Like them, this blog too, serves the purpose of both sharing what I have learned as well as sharing what we are learning. It has been seen as an incentive, also, with my children as they ask, "Mom, are you gonna put this on your blog?"


  1. I love it! Way to go mom! I love that you are so creative in your writing, your research and venturing out to find the best deal to suit your families needs for your curriculum. It doesn't matter if its something you would read in High school, if the kids understand what they are reading and get excited to research further then they are advanced and you should pat yourself and them on the back for a job well done!. Good job!! -S
