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Hello. My name is Mom. I am a wife / mom of 4 / blogger / organizer / deal seeker / list maker / planner and new homeschooler. Scroll down to the bottom and catch up as you follow us on our (2nd year) journey we call HOMESCHOOL!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

5. Rethinking Our Approach

Two months have gone by since our experience with public school ended. I can't express enough how valuable the timing was in taking the children out when we did. Giving our family two and a half months of homeschool life allowed us to taste the eclectic approach I recently wrote about. My husband and I have found that method of schooling our children seemed more stressful than productive. You see, with patching together a lesson plan that includes the required core subjects I found it difficult to sew them together in a way that I could teach as a group. With having two fifth graders, a fourth grader and a third grader this proved a challenge thereby causing unnecessary stress. So, when the plan doesn't work we change the plan, not the goal.

I recently connected with an aunt of mine near the Houston area. She too homeschooled her children. She was eager to share with me a curriculum that she thought I may find interesting and very useful. I am eager to make a trip down there to retrieve it. I am also VERY thankful that this came to my attention at the time it did. This curriculum is a blessing I had not yet prayed for. More on that at a later date.

We last shared with you what we have been up to during weeks 1-3. The kids have really been enjoying learning outside of the classroom. We've been riding our bikes in search of aluminium cans in an effort to 1) clean our neighborhood streets, 2) save a little bit of money for our field trip fund, and 3) utilize that time as our "P.E" LOL!!. Last week we literally got lost in our own neighborhood. But in doing so we seen a cool snake and oddly as it sounds, a pile of dead fish in a ditch. 

In keeping your attention before you get too bored with reading let me just share with you some of our pictures:
We spent this morning cleaning our flower beds and taking care of our front yard as part of celebrating Earth Day. The kids did all three flower beds by themselves. They found teeny, tiny, baby lady bugs in the soil. I sat there and Googled (with my phone) what that meant. We learned that the lady bugs served as a natural pest control. They didn't want to cover them up. 
These little wooden stars were so fun to paint. We chose to  paint them up and share them with our Tamarak Resource Center friends, Gene and Julie. These ladies know us well now and have been putting things back for us they know we could use for art and craft days. We have yet to deliver them, but when we do you can bet I will capture that moment ;)

The desk on the left was donated as a gift from some truly wonderful friends. The one on the right, $20 at a thrift shop. I think we have two more coming our way. Until then, we are using the card table along with the two desks. The kids are very happy with having a formal place to do their work.

Our first day at the library as bona fide homeschoolers. Of course I had to take a picture of THAT! We do this often actually; go to the library rather than sit in the living room. Changing the scenery is always refreshing.  Afterwards, we took our silent math book work to a tiny cafe for some iced tea, chips and salsa.

Homeschool Day @ the Dallas Zoo w/GREAT friends from Duncanville.  
This is my favorite time of the day; Dad teaching the class. Before we began homeschooling my husband and I agreed that he would teach the math after work on certain evenings. What do I do while this is happening? Taking notes of course! (With a glass of wine, jus' sayin')

The kids have been working on learning about their Great Grandparents childhood. Here, they are listening to their Great Grandmother tell her history while showing them pictures. I can't say anymore about this subject as it is a major project that will continue for the next few months.
Earth Day Art: The world now VS God's promise for the world later. The children are aware of what the Bible teaches when it comes to the earth. Matthew 6:9, 10 tells us that Jesus even prayed that His Father's Kingdom COME ON EARTH just as IT IS IN HEAVEN. God's purpose for the earth was to be a paradise. His purpose has not changed just because man chose to change it. So the children were reminded of these wonderful scriptures.

A week ago we dedicated the entire day to doing science experiments and watching (mom's favorite) Bill Nye. You can see what our experiments were here and here. The kids LOVED the vinegar and baking soda so much. Here's the video if you'd like to view.
Grammar Art: Working on Adjectives and Adverbs. As it stands my back door serves as our display area. I will rethink this as we go. LOL!!

Thank you for coming by!

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